Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thai Cooking Schools on Koh Samui Island

Koh Samui is a haven to many tourists and locals who are lucky enough to experience its beauty. As one of Thailand's most popular tourist destinations, it boasts plenty of interesting activities that people can enjoy while they are here. Of course there's the beach, but other than that, there are so many things to do here.

Thai cooking is famous not only for its exotic taste but also the artful presentation that comes with it. Here on the island, one of the best things to do after exploring the beach and visiting the famous tourist spots is to learn how to cook Thai food.

Considered to be among the finest cuisines in the world, Thai dishes are particularly exceptional. Care is given in every aspect of food preparation. The heart and soul of Thailand can seen in its cuisine. On Koh Samui, there are plenty of places to learn the art of Thai cooking.

The most famous institute is undoubtedly the Samui Institute of Culinary Arts or SITCA. Here, classes are comprehensive yet casual, making them more conducive to learning. Visitors who have little to no experience in cooking find this the best place to learn as the ambience is relaxing and there are always new things to discover. The knowledge and creativity of the finest Thai chefs on Koh Samui will be imparted to all students. So whether the visitor is a casual home cook or an aspiring professional chef wanting to expand their portfolio, learning Thai cooking in SITCA on Koh Samui is a very good alternative to conventional activities people enjoy whilst holidaying here.

The Koh Samui cooking curriculum includes all the basics and more of Samui Thai cuisines. The good news is that, most cooking programs on Samui are not exclusive to adults. Most institutes also offer culinary courses for kids who are interested. Children make good cooking students as they are very enthusiastic and open to new things. Aside from learning about the delicate exotic flavours of Samui dishes, students can also learn about the art of fruit carving----an art that is very popular on the island.

In addition to SITCA, there are also other places in which visitors can explore and learn about Koh Samui Thai cooking. There are many schools which are famous for their world-class amenities. All in all, the island is the perfect place to discover more about the world famous Thai cuisine.

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