Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to Prepare for the Cayman Islands

Traveling could be a very stressful event. I mean who doesn't wait till last minute to pack then freak out on the way to the airport trying to think of all the things you forgot?! I will admit, I do that all the time! But I have been getting better at preparing for my trips. Planning is the number one key. I am getting better and better at it the more trips I go on. They do say you learn from your mistakes and I learn something new just about every trip. I always think, 'oh that would have been nice to know beforehand..' I would like to help you prepare for your next trip to Grand Cayman. Follow these helpful tips and be less stressed to travel!

1. Make a list! - Make your list a week before your trip so you can add or take off items you do not think you will need. You just have a lot of your mind before a trip that it is easy to forget something.

2. Do not forget your passport! - Grand Cayman is a different country and you will have to go through customs. You will not get very far without your passport.

3. The Grand Cayman time zone is Eastern Standard Time. - It will not throw off your schedule too much. An interesting fact about the island is they do not change their clocks for daylight savings time.

4. The Cayman Islands dollar is equal to $1.25 US dollars. - The Grand Cayman has a permanent fixed exchange rate for the US dollar. Everywhere on the island accepts US dollars, but if you receive change it will most likely be in Cayman Island money.

5. The capital of Grand Cayman is George Town. - This is where all the shopping happens! If you need souvenirs, jewelry, hats, pictures, or anything, this is where you can buy it. There are also restaurants and bars.

6. Cars drive on the opposite side of the road. - Our rented car was backwards from a US car. Driving on the opposite side of the road was something very hard to get used to.

7. Be prepared for a lot of roundabouts in the roads! - Instead of right and left turns to get places, the Grand Cayman had a lot of roundabouts in addition to the left and rights on opposite sides.

8. Budget yourself - Food, shopping, and attractions add up after awhile. Just be cautious.

9. There is no language barrier in Grand Cayman.

10. The water is safe to drink. - The island has two desalination plants to supply quality water. Water is sacred on the island so do not waste it.

11. Make sure you bring sunscreen! - Reapply throughout the day.

12. Do not forget your camera.

13. Plan your activities, attractions, and beach time before you arrive to the Grand Cayman.

Have a fun, enjoyable vacation on the beautiful Cayman Islands!

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